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From Clergy to Laity part 2

This session will continue on from our first part. The crucial Step 4 is for a church to go from a Clergy-led Ministry to a Laity-led Ministry. This one will continue on looking at another 5 points. 4. Laity-led Ministry is Family rather than Business One picture that constantly comes up for church is that… Read More »From Clergy to Laity part 2

From Clergy to Laity

For small independent house churches the inevitable question keeps coming up : Who is running the church? What about Pastors? Won’t it all fall apart? This is a legitimate question and one that we need to assess in two sessions. I believe this next step that the Wide Margin Church is to take is the… Read More »From Clergy to Laity

From Halls to Homes

We have seen that the western world has changed dramatically. It has become much like a Wild West, where many cultures have exploded into one location doing their own thing. Yet, throughout this change the church has continued to do church in the same way. This series, called Wide Margin, is to show a new,… Read More »From Halls to Homes

From Few to Many

We have seen that the cultural field has changed from a Central field to a Margin field. The problem is that much of how we do church has been built into a central way of thinking. But instead of the church changing to connect with the culture of the day, they have continued in the… Read More »From Few to Many

Create a Space

The world has changed. The map is different. But the church will continue. Christ is still king. In this new Wide Margin World the church needs to figure out how to do church. In the West, we have been doing church a similar way. That may have worked for the last few hundred years, but… Read More »Create a Space

Central Wolves

Even though the Western world has no more “centre” that doesn’t mean there are no more “central entities”. What do these entities want? They want to create a centre again. I call these groups “central wolves” In this session I will define the top 8 central wolves that still lurk in our fragmented culture. I… Read More »Central Wolves

The Cultural Shift

The world has dramatically changed. There is no longer one culture, but many cultures in the same area. What does this mean? There is no central hub. No common sense. Welcome to the world we live in today : The Wide Margin. But how did we get here? We have been dealing with the culture… Read More »The Cultural Shift

The 2 Parts of Culture

Jesus told Christians to be “in the world”. We cannot leave it to its own devices. But at the same time, we are not to be “of the world”. We need to be separate from the culture but at the same time to be connected with the culture. How do we do this? How can… Read More »The 2 Parts of Culture

The 7 Problems of Church

There are many problems with church. These are my top 7 problems that can affect the whole identity of what church is supposed to be. The idea is to read from the beginning problem as each one builds onto the previous problem. Quick Snapshot Institutional churches start with the wrong move. They assume that the… Read More »The 7 Problems of Church

The Problem of Cash

Everybody needs to deal with it. This includes the church. But how are we to properly use cash? This has been one of the biggest problems for church. First we need to say some preliminary things about cash: So with those things in mind, here are some common problems with cash in church: The bulk… Read More »The Problem of Cash

The Problem of Communication

Communication is crucial in any church. If we get this wrong, then genuine care and growth cannot go forth. But as you may have experienced, communication is increasingly harder in a fast-paced world. So what are the problems that relate to the problem of communication? The more people, the harder the communication If the church… Read More »The Problem of Communication

The Problem of Consumerism

In the western world, you can sum it up in one word : Consumerism. There are some great things about Consumerism. But it has seeped into all facets of life, including the church. What happens to the church when it becomes consumeristic? Now “consumer” means that everything is tailored around the consumer in order to… Read More »The Problem of Consumerism

The problem of Clergy

One of the first questions people may have about church is, “who runs it?” In other words, they want to know who the leader is. LEADERS ARE EVERYWHERE They are running businesses, schools, and sports teams. It’s only natural to have leaders amongst your church gatherings, right? But in the traditional church, leadership has been… Read More »The problem of Clergy