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7 Big Ideas When Reading Revelation

There are multiple ways of reading the book of Revelation. Because of this, it’s very easy to get lost. Here are 7 big ideas that can keep us centred on what really matters in the text.

It’s All About Jesus

The beginning says “The revelation of Jesus” or that it is “about” Jesus. The ending says “Behold I come quickly”. Jesus is central in this book and must be interpreted in that light. He is the key signature that will unlock the meaning.

So when you see metaphors and images think of the work and person of Jesus. Many people get bogged down in the alley ways trying to explain why China and Russia are the big beasts in the book.

The revelation is an unfolding of Christ and his ministry. So you must look for the cross and the resurrection. So you must start with Christ. If not, you will not understand Revelation

It’s Apocalyptic in Nature

The type of literature is about symbols and numbers. You interpret in light of this. Don’t interpret a literal historical linear way. It is not that type of literature. 1

144,000 doesn’t mean that exact amount of the people will be saved. Certain numbers like 7 and 4 and 3 represent things. Sea = Chaos. The Beast with 10 horns means something more than just seeing a beast with 10 horns. You must read it almost in a cryptic way.

But don’t overdo it. You must always think of the original audience and how they would have interpreted it successfully.

It’s Biblical

It alludes to the Old Testament and the New Testament many times. It is almost like a culmination of all the other 65 books of the Bible. John is writing to people who knew their Bible well. So that means you also, in understanding Revelation, need to know your Bible well.

So, you must read it biblically. Always think how this particular passage brings you back to the Scriptures. What is John trying to convey here with talking about this thing? I have tried to unearth the main ones but I am sure there are many many more that I have missed.

It’s Cyclical, not Chronological

Do not read it as a simple timeline of events because you will get lost and make many errors. Chapter 7 and 11 feel like the end. The 7 Seals, trumpets and bowls all sound similar. It is more cyclical in its nature. Some people have said to think of it as a spiral staircase. There are events like look similar, but slightly different angle.

It’s Heavenly first, Earthly second

Some chapters have different viewpoints. This is where people get lost. They try and figure out how to merge the chapters together in some sort of coherent timeline.

But you’ll notice that some chapters are from the throne room in heaven. Others you will be seeing the same thing from the view of the Beast, which is more of an earthly view.

From Earth it looks like darkness is winning, but God is just “allowing” it to happen. That means that some chapters mirror each other. So for example, chapter 12 is a heavenly picture of what is going on. Chapter 13 is an earthly picture of that same thing. When you get to Chapter 21, it is there that we see the heavenly viewpoint merging with the earthly viewpoint creating the “New Creation”.

It’s a Courtroom for Humanity

John is at the Heavenly Justice Court to see what is to come of man. Books and seats are opened, judgment begins. Satan, the accuser, is trying to condemn the brethren. Those who seek and are sealed won’t face the judgment.

So you need to see Revelation as this courtroom case. Humanity is on trial.

Christians conquer the world, but do it through persecution

What you will see is that the Christians will overcome the world, but in an upside down way. They will do it through the blood of Christ and possibly the blood of themselves. We too must live by the cross.

The Beast does conquer us, but only by the sword.

So there are 7 ways to read the book of Revelation. You will do well to pay attention to these because they will keep you on the right path.