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Jesus the Key Signature

The most important thing to do when looking at a piece of music is to look at the key signature.

This will make or break your song. Why? Because the key signature will tell you which notes to play and which notes not to play. If you play notes that are NOT in the key signature, it’ll make the whole song unintelligible.

This is the same for interpreting Revelation.

It tells us right at the beginning of the text

“The revelation of Jesus Christ,”

Revelation 1:1

Now this word revelation means this unveiling, rather than this mystery. That is, in this book there will be a revealing of truth, something told to you that was previous “hidden”. And the whole book is one big revelation.

Notice who does the revealing?


He is the one that will unveil this book and tell us about it.

He is the key signature. He is the director. He tells us what notes are in it.

But it goes a bit further than that. Notice it again,

“The revelation of Jesus Christ,”

That word “of” can also be the word “about”. So, in some translations they may have:

“The revelation about Jesus Christ,”

So, not only does Jesus direct this revelation, we also see that the very content of this revelation is about him.

The book of Revelation is

Directed by Jesus,

and Devoted to Jesus.

He is the key signature.

Now you must get this straight from the beginning. Whenever you are reading Revelation you must pass through Jesus. Why? Because the Revelation itself has said that it is about Jesus and by Jesus.

This is the most important step in understanding Revelation.

Before playing our instruments, LOOK AT THE KEY SIGNATURE OF JESUS.