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UpsideDown King

Upside Down Healings

Jesus had a lot of power. But it was upside down power. It was different. He would literally flip the individual over into a completely different state. In this session we will look at one of the major miracles that Jesus did, which was curing… Read More »Upside Down Healings

Upside Down Power

One thing kings have a lot of is power. With just the flick of their wrist, they can make a bridge, or they could end your life. King Henry the 8th wanted to have more wives, so he decided to just break away from the… Read More »Upside Down Power

Upside Down Speech

Speeches change the world. Think of any important event, there would be a famous speech connected to it. Words are powerful. Words bring colour and meaning and emotions to the table. Not every person’s words are impactful. The majority of us speak into the air.… Read More »Upside Down Speech

Upside Down Troops

Every king has an army. A king without an army is no king at all. You can tell a lot about a king just by looking at the size and quality of his troops. There are certain countries in the world that have a massive… Read More »Upside Down Troops

Upside Down Fighting

Usually when a king goes into war they would have armour, a shield, and a big sword. They understand that in order to fight you need weapons of destruction. But how would an Upside Down King fight? Would they choose weapons like that? Or is… Read More »Upside Down Fighting

Upside Down War

One major thing about a king is that they fight in wars. Whether they like it or not, they have a kingdom to defend, or they have lands to conquer. Some of the best kings have made massive empires by winning wars. An interesting point… Read More »Upside Down War

Upside Down Home

Who we hang around with tells us a lot about who we are. In fact, the house, or the neighborhood that you were brought up in can shape a lot of your identity. We have seen a few things about this promised King of Kings.… Read More »Upside Down Home

Upside Down Palace

When a royal is born, everybody knows about it. It’s in the papers, the internet, magazines, tv shows. You can’t miss it. There’s even an expectation of the baby because people know the Queen or the Princess and see their belly growing. It would be… Read More »Upside Down Palace

Upside Down Bingo

You need to get all of the numbers in a line to win. It’s not good enough to get them all except one. There’s this Bible Bingo that needs to be fulfilled. You need all 3. In order to fulfill these prophecies, you need :… Read More »Upside Down Bingo

Upside Down King

When something is upside down, it’s not quite right. It messes with our head. In fact, we don’t even have an english word for it. The best we can come up with is : Upside Down. This upside down phenomenon actually is quite common. Tv… Read More »Upside Down King