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Have Now Jesus, Not Past Jesus

We worship a person that is still alive, Jesus.

Sometimes we forget what he’s like right now.

We do not have a Past Jesus but a Now Jesus. Let me explain the differences.

Past Jesus

He is the one that was humbled in human form, who died on the cross for our sins. That Past Jesus does not exist anymore. After his resurrection he no longer is in this weakened form. Although he was still God, he emptied himself of his glory. But now he is in his full glory.

Some people even still see Jesus as a baby born in a manger. Jesus was like this at a particular time, but not anymore. Sometimes, during Christmas, we foolishly think that his birthday is a perpetual nappy day.

Also, along with holding onto the past Jesus, some people still think of Jesus on the cross. They may have statues or reenact it out.

Jesus said, “It is finished”, on the cross.

We are to remember what happened on the cross, but don’t think he is still on the cross.

Now Jesus

It is the picture that we get of Jesus in Revelation. Look at this description:

14 The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, 15 his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.

Revelation 1:14-16

This means that we see Jesus in his full glory now. This is what Jesus is doing today. He is ruling and reigning over all nations at the right hand of the Father.

This “Now Jesus” attitude can help you with your prayers, knowing that you are praying to a living powerful Lord. Also, when we are tempted, we can understand that this is the sort of Jesus that will empower us and help us through this journey.

So we need this view of Jesus, the Now Jesus rather than the Past Jesus.