There are many problems with church. These are my top 7 problems that can affect the whole identity of what church is supposed to be.

The idea is to read from the beginning problem as each one builds onto the previous problem.
Quick Snapshot
Institutional churches start with the wrong move. They assume that the only way church will happen is when there is a particular leader that runs it. This is the problem of Clergy. This then leads to an early distinction in the church : the leaders, and everybody else. Leaders do everything, the rest sit back. The Clergy effectively take over not just the role of Jesus, but also the whole function of the church.
This then leads to the second problem : The problem of Church buildings. Because of this setup of the one-man-leading-the-many, the gathered space must reflect that. So church buildings are designed to have a stage for the clergy, and many seats for the others. This creates spectators watching a small amount of people “perform” for them. Again, the building has been set up like this in reaction to the belief that clergy are to run the show.
The third problem then arises due to the first and the second: The problem of Consumerism. The setup now has people on stage trying to perform and entertain those in the seats, the audience. It is hard not to fall into the trappings of Consumerism. People are there not to contribute but to consume a good show. Even though most churches would disagree with consumerism, the setup of how it is lead, and the setup of the gathered space, screams a consumeristic behaviour.
The fourth problem really is a juggling act of keeping all 3 beliefs intact : clergy, church buildings, and consumerism. This leads to the problem of Complexity. Church needs to be planned and programmed as the way it is done is not easy. Budgets and policies need to be done to keep everything afloat. Church becomes more a business or corporation rather than like a family.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh problem really are different aspects of the fourth problem of complexity. Due to the size and structure of the church, the problem of Communication arises. People struggle to listen to one man giving sermons, people don’t know each other, and the building itself doesn’t promote fellowship. This problem makes church become more of a religious feeling rather than getting to know others and build them up.
The sixth problem : The problem of Cash, arises due to keeping all of this complex system around. Clergy need to be paid, buildings need upkeep, and the church needs resources to keep the audience entertained. If church gets larger than more buildings or car parks need to be made and more staff need to be paid. Everything starts to be dictated by money. If the opposite happens, where money dries up, then the whole system may crumble. Clergy may leave, buildings need to be sold, and the audience may start to leave due to it not being “entertaining” enough.
The seventh problem then arises : The problem of Conversions. It is unclear who really is a disciple in the church. Is it those that attend? Is it those that have gone through a membership course? If the church has a goal of making disciples, is doing church this way the best way to promote that? If not, then why are we doing it?

Hopefully, readers will see that this is a major problem. Jesus will continue to build his church, but what sort of church does he prefer to build?
The problem of Clergy
One of the first questions people may have about church is, “who runs it?” In other words, they want to know who the leader is. LEADERS ARE EVERYWHERE They are running …
The problem of Church Buildings
When people hear the word “church” what do they think of? Usually they would see something like a building. Hang on, a really old building. A building with a high ceiling, some arc…
The Problem of Consumerism
In the western world, you can sum it up in one word : Consumerism. There are some great things about Consumerism. But it has seeped into all facets of life, including the church. W…
The Problem of Complexity
Is the church supposed to have complexity? Or should it be simple and organic? The problem of complexity rise out of the previous 3 problems: When all 3 of these happen, you’ll get…
The Problem of Communication
Communication is crucial in any church. If we get this wrong, then genuine care and growth cannot go forth. But as you may have experienced, communication is increasingly harder in…
The Problem of Cash
Everybody needs to deal with it. This includes the church. But how are we to properly use cash? This has been one of the biggest problems for church. First we need to say some prel…
The Problem of Conversions
One goal of church is to make disciples. Part of that process is conversion. The question is : Are disciples being made? Or is something else going on? “Conversions” is one of the …