From the beginning Jesus was doing things in a different way.
It all started way back. Even before his birth, the upside down factor was at play.
About a thousand years before, God dropped a few signs of what to look for in this promised Messiah, the King of Kings.
In other words, there were these things called
And each prophecy is more upside down than the next.
There are many to look at but we will focus on 3.
The Royal Prophecy
God spells out where this king will come from. Notice the upside down thing.
This upside down king will come from the line of David. Sooo he’s going to be Jewish. That rules out many candidates.
Not only that, notice how long his kingdom will last. Forever? How in the world can a king reign forever? That’s a little weird….
But God gives us another.
The Village Prophecy
A few hundred years later a prophet named Micah dropped the next upside down prophecy.
Where will this Messiah come from? Bethlehem.
Bethlehem was a nobody place. A small rural town that you would just stop to get petrol at. But this Messiah will come from there.
Sooo we can whittle it down to this – A Jewish boy from the line of David born in Bethlehem. There can’t be that many candidates now. Imagine this king of kings being born in such a small nobody place. Who would have thought?
The Virgin Prophecy
Now this is where it gets even more upside down. There’s this guy called Isaiah who wrote many prophecies around the year 700BC.
Have a look at this strange one.
What was that? This Messiah will have a virgin mum.
Umm, there can’t be many people that fit that criteria!
A Jewish boy from the line of David, from little Bethlehem, whose mum happens to give birth to them AS A VIRGIN.
This is the definition of Upside Down.
This is not the normal way to be born.
So we can put them all together in a nice picture format.
Can these prophecies be fulfilled? I mean, they are not that easy to do!
It’s not enough to do 1. It’s not enough to do 2. You need to do all 3.
Can anyone pull off this Upside Down Birth Prophecy?